GTEM cell is a test site in a single effective radiation immunity and emissions test, control and protect the environment. Compared with other test points, GTEM has higher accuracy and better reproducibility. In principle, GTEM chambers are coaxial extension pyramids with 50 impedance. At the end of the line, the combination of the terminating resistor and the above impedance matched by the design and construction of the RF absorber is terminated. Gtem250 has a height of 250mm maximum spacing and is suitable for radiation and immunity tests. Emissions and in a single immunoassay, environmental protection meets the basic standards: IEC / en61000-4-20 meets the emission test standards: IEC and cispr14-161000-6-3ec61000-6-4 meet the immunoassay standards for euts unconnected cables: en60118-13 ideal design qualification and pre certification field produce a largely uniform and simple calculation, high efficiency power conversion requires less power emissions High VSWR in the whole frequency range - no need to measure reflected power